Tuesday 4 December 2012

I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

This weekend we decorated for the holidays.  We, well I, and very over the top for Christmas.  Most people have 1 tree, we have 2 artificial (1x8 foot and 1x6 foot) and 1 real one.  The children all have little trees in their rooms.  I have table top size ones in the basement and in and around the house.  We have a 12 foot Santa blow-up in our backyard and another boat load in the front.  So, it takes a lot of time!!  The inside takes about 12 hours with three adult hands and children (now able to help).  The outside takes my husband less time I would say 3/4 hours but he usually spreads it over a couple of days.  Anyways, while we decorate the music is blasting and we are dancing, yelling, and fighting of course cause that is just what happens at our house.  When I heard it, "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" and a smile came over me.  I never remembering hearing this song as a kid.  the first time I heard it was when my eldest sang it at school about 6 years ago.  Since then, its my favourite song!  The blahs that have been bugging got pushed down, way down.  I hope they are gone for good.  I had a great weekend.  I had my family around me, and to be honest that is probably all I needed!

Be sure to turn up that radio when my Hippo songs comes on and think of me dancing around my kitchen smiling away!