Saturday 4 January 2014

A final look at 2013

Wow what a year.  It was totally a year of change, and excitement.  We did so much as a family and as a person I totally changed.  I lost a total of 29.5 pounds.  I did not make my final goal (missed it by a half a mother fucker pound) BUT I did not gain any weight over the holidays!  I managed to lose a little bit without even a work out.  I ran my first 5KM with some inspirational woman.  I built on some existing relationships making them some of the most important people in my life.  I want to take the time to thanks these women.  First of I have my total BFF Tina--you always listen, laugh, and swear along with me at all times of the day!  Julie and Kelly--my 5km bitches, my weight lost bitches, and two of my closest friends--thanks Ladies you rock!  Tania- a true inspiration for handling stress and change in style and finally Nadia, you started as my daycare family but you really are a truly fantastic sound board and its fucking crazy ass stupid how similar we are!  Love you all!  There are many people I would like to thank like my hubby, kids, brothers, sister-in-laws, parents and friends that encouraged me, complimented me, and just made me feel like I actually deserved to feel beautiful.  You may not realize what a small compliment does to a girl like me but trust me, gushing with pride inside is how you always made me feel.

I plan on continuing to use
I plan on running
I plan on dancing
I plan on using my fitness coach
I plan on getting smaller and stronger
I plan on laughing more
I plan on losing more
I plan on running more (dare I say 10KM)
I plan on giving y'all a laugh more
I plan on scrapbooking more

Here is a silly little poem about 2013


We laughed, We cried, we had a flood
Hell I even donated blood

I managed to lose a lot of weight
Everyone including myself thinks I look great

I have never been able to wear Lululemon
Simply because of my arse and gigantic melons

But I wear it now, with pride
Trust me all I do is dance and scream inside

Thanks for reading all my stories
And celebrating all my glories

It is time to say goodbye to 2013
It was the year my ass was like it was eighteen

Thanks to all my family and friends for everything you have done
You made 2013 number one!

I am a happy little shit
I say bring on 2014- you will be an even bigger hit!

I look forward to posting some new ones in 2014.  All the best and I will post my pics of my Lululemon hoodie that I got once I find my damn camera!