Tuesday 4 December 2012

I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

This weekend we decorated for the holidays.  We, well I, and very over the top for Christmas.  Most people have 1 tree, we have 2 artificial (1x8 foot and 1x6 foot) and 1 real one.  The children all have little trees in their rooms.  I have table top size ones in the basement and in and around the house.  We have a 12 foot Santa blow-up in our backyard and another boat load in the front.  So, it takes a lot of time!!  The inside takes about 12 hours with three adult hands and children (now able to help).  The outside takes my husband less time I would say 3/4 hours but he usually spreads it over a couple of days.  Anyways, while we decorate the music is blasting and we are dancing, yelling, and fighting of course cause that is just what happens at our house.  When I heard it, "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" and a smile came over me.  I never remembering hearing this song as a kid.  the first time I heard it was when my eldest sang it at school about 6 years ago.  Since then, its my favourite song!  The blahs that have been bugging got pushed down, way down.  I hope they are gone for good.  I had a great weekend.  I had my family around me, and to be honest that is probably all I needed!

Be sure to turn up that radio when my Hippo songs comes on and think of me dancing around my kitchen smiling away!

Friday 30 November 2012


Well, after a night of chatting and a glass of wine, I am feeling not so BLAH.  Still not 100% myself, but better.  I have a busy weekend and I am hoping that decorating for the Christmas season will get me up in spirit!  I love Christmas.  I love decorating and it does take a full 12 hours of hard work to get my house ready.  I have 3 trees (2 artificial and 1 real), several mini trees and a crap load of decos....but I love it!

Now I enroll my kids as my bitches.  They get to carry everything upstairs and help unpack.  They also know they get to decorate their one tree but no one touches Mommy's tree!!!!

I will post some pics when I am done.  Thanks girls for chatting, watching Grey's and eating Turtle Brownies with me.

Another fantastic story I need to share which has inspired me to go to the gym over the weekend and next week is my girlfriend Kelly.  Take a read, totally worth while!  I am very proud of her, and very proud to see what she has worked so hard for!!!


Wednesday 28 November 2012


I am well, feeling blah.  I am not sure of anyone out there feels like this every once in awhile.  I am not inspired, I am tired, overwhelmed, under appreciated, annoyed and flat out pissy.  To be honest I am totally not sure why.  I am just blah.

I am trying to boost my energy and get rid of the negative shit but I have not succeeded yet.  I am trying to organize my next crop which is Dec. 14.  I am excited because I have my make and take idea ready and I think its cute.  I have already 9 confirmed guests.  You would think woohoo right?  Nope.  Just a wo.....still waiting for the rest of the woohoo.

I have done some Christmas shopping.  I have done lots of on-line shopping but still have made it out to the stores.  I am even excited with what I bought but again, I am feeling the wo......still waiting for the rest.

I have completed almost all of my calendar gifts and even made my husband a book for Christmas and I am probably a bit more woo....but again still waiting for my woohoo.

Not sure why, maybe its PMS????  Maybe I am getting old and shit and my hormones are all "WTF"???  Or is it something bigger?  Is it, a change, something unsettling going to happen, need a holiday for a brain refresh????

I feel guilty alot lately too.  Guilty for ever decision I make, and it is making me crazy too.  Again, no idea why?

Anyways, I thought I would share my blah day(s).  I know someone who is reading this will say "yeah I get like that", perhaps some will say "grow up bitch and move on" or even "cheer up girl".  Whatever you think, let me know.  Sometimes, it is helpful to think you are not the only one, and even get a good kick in the ass.

Thursday 22 November 2012

A Fun Night

It's been awhile since I blogged, and to be honest it is because I have not had a crop or done much scrapbooking.  I figured I had nothing to write about, but then, the other night a group of my girlfriends, all of whom are my scrappy girls planned a well deserved night out.  We began the night at my place, where we ordered chinese and drink wine.  We drank, 4 x 1litre bottles of wine and there was only 5 of us drinking at my place.  Our dinner was good, however, I was disappointed with the soup.  I love hot and sour soup but I only love the soup I get at this place on Bronson.  I have no idea what the name is but I will get back to you with it, cause the soup ROCKS there!  Anyways, back to my story.  We left at 10:30pm, not to go to a bar although that would be fun, instead we headed to our reserved seats for TWILIGHT BREAKING DAWN PART 2!!!!  Yes, I am a Twi-hard.  I however, play both teams.  I love Edward for his romantic side and pretty eyes, but I love me my Jacob for his damn fine abs!  To say I was excited about seeing the movie and a little tipsy from the wine was an understatement.  As soon and the movie started I was in heaven.  Then, OMG, WTF, Holy Shit....yes I cursed and loudly.  My girlfriend beside me was almost in tears, we look at each other dazed and confused........then "le sigh".  My heart beat went back to normal, I resumed my cheering for Bella and Edward and of course wiped the drool of my chin for Jacob.  We walked out of the theatre happy and to be honest spent.  I felt exhausted from the emotional ride of Edward and Bella.  Knowing this maybe the last Twilight movie makes me sad.  It's like Harry Potter, I believe there will be another---will it ever be the same, no.  But, hey, I am the woman that believes in fairies and talking stuffies so what the hell do I know.  I do recommend seeing this movie in a theatre, in fact I would pay again to see it.  I also recommend having some drinks with the ladies before hand cause it was kinda fun being a bit tipsy walking into a theatre.  This is not a date night movie girls.  This is time for you to dream, drool, and be with friends.  You need to go with your girlfriends or sisters.  It's not a guys movie althought I did not hear the guys at this movie complain to much that is for sure.

On a side note.  I am planning my next crop.  I even have a make and take planned.  I am just getting over this cold that has seriously kicked my ass.  I will be in touch, but in the mean time, have a glass of wine, or a few, and go see Twilight with your girlie girls just cause its fun!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Mom and Me scrap

I had a great day today with all my little people and their Mommies.  I had 11 children and 7 Mom's here today.  It was great to walk around and watch the pages these little people created.  It is even more fun when we get to hear the stories about their pictures from them.  I made each one a little make and take character and a mini album made out of a 12x12 piece of card stock.

I was pleased to have some veterans return and very excited to welcome some new little ones to my home.  What was funny is the new ones (and the youngest of the bunch) worked the longest!  They made their pages for almost the entire 3 hours.

My son Connor made a Christmas gift for his older cousin for Christmas, and my youngest daughter Cayla made one for her Zio (Uncle).  It was really nice to look back over the pictures they were working on.  My nephew has MD and has been confined to a wheelchair for about 5 years now.  My son was looking at his pictures and was sad when he seen pictures of my cousin walking and swimming.  I would lie if I said that the comments did not pull at my heart strings.  They have grown so use to seeing him in his wheelchair that he forgot he did have a chance to walk before.  I did however, point out to Connor that if he did not have his wheelchair he would not get to have the occasional ride on it either, which made him smile.

I am looking forward to Christmas and seeing their faces when they open their homemade gifts, and can look back at all the fun times they share together.

I will be scheduling my next Crop and hopefully getting in a digital learning session within the next couple of weeks, so be sure to message me if you want to learn more about the amazing time you can have scrapbooking.  Pictures will follow everyone!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Tea Reading

Tomorrow night I have having a couple of ladies over for a tea reading.  My sweet, crazy and loving Auntie Laura is coming over with her magic tea leaves, all the way from Ireland to read everyone's leaves.  Now for those who have not done anything like this, you have too.  Its fun, interesting, and an excuse to sit and chat with some friends.

My Aunt Laura came to Canada with 4 children and my Uncle many moons ago, but sounds like she just got off the boat.  My Mom often says that people choose to lose their accents or keep them.  Now my Aunt is proud to be Canadian but is just as proud of her Irish heritage.  I have probably learned more about Ireland, and my family from her, than my own Mom.  She started reading tea leaves a long time ago and does it just for fun.  BUT, she does ROCK.  Every time she has read my leaves, everything has been bang on!  I am so excited to hear about what she has to say.  She will always say "Now ladies this is just for fun, don't take anything seriously".  I agree, but still its cool.  So, if you haven't done anything like this, I suggest going to a palm reader, or have your cards read, or see a medium because its better than going to a movie or out for dinner with the girls hands down.  I will let you know how it goes and what is said.

On a different note, I worked a bit on my Mom and Me scrap that is on Sunday.  I made mini paper albums using a 12x12 cardstock.  They are so cute.  I am going to try and "upload" some pics this weekend.  I may need some help from my Techy but I am sure she won't mind.

'Til tomorrow........fingers crossed its all good leaves!

Sunday 28 October 2012

I haven't been writing on here as I kinda got a bit scared about actually doing it.  Once I announced I was blogging I kinda freaked.  I realized people will read what I write and began to worry about whether they will hate it or like it.  I thought they may make fun of my shitty spelling and grammar, or wondering what the hell I was trying to say.  So, I sat back and thought about it for a week and realized fuck it.  I mean I am writing to inspire scrapbooking ideas, cooking, sharing recipes, bitching about life and of course like every Mama brag about my kids.

Last weekend I hosted my 12 hours CROPTOBERFEST.  It was a HUGE success.  I was really hoping to book a show and make a couple more sales, but I am sure they will come.  I had 12 woman load up all their stuff, cart it here, and work their little hands away for 12 hours.  I had some doing digital and some doing traditional work.  I had some welcomed new people and some "experienced" scrappers.  There was a lot of give aways, a loot bag, and 2 raffle gifts.  My favourite part is cooking and serving everyone all day.  It's tiring for sure but letting all these woman come and work and just relax makes me happy.  I made my usual Cranberry Scones but this time I used  orange instead of lemon.  They are easy and yummy.  One of my favourite websites http://www.thesisterscafe.com/2010/01/cherry-lemon-scones-and-a-giveaway has a Cherry Lemon Scones, I just substituted the Cherry with Cranberries.  I also made Banana Chocolate Chip loaf bread.  Again, this is from the sister's cafe and its  called the Martha Stewart's Banana Bread.  When planning these events I try to pick items that are easy and gives me time with the ladies.  I decided on sandwhich platters of turkey, salami, and roast beef.  I made two salads that I have been admiring on Pinterest.  You can follow me on their to get those and many more great recipes and ideas, but for those that are not pinners here is the link for one of the salads http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.ca/2010/10/quinoa-salad-with-pears-and-baby.html The second salad was a simple tomato and bocconcini salad.  Dinner had to be the easiest item I made.  I would recommend it for sure as its a crock pot meal and it turned out really good.  Again, it was a Pinterest recipe http://whatsfordinnerthisweek.blogspot.ca/2009/03/slow-cooking-hearty-beef-stew.html.  I served it with some yummy crusty bread and a mixed green salad with a basic olive oil and balsamic dressing.  The final dessert came from a box.  I love the turtle brownies that Betty Crocker makes and that is what we had!  It seemed everyone loved everything and I have been asked for many of the recipes so I am hoping I have done this right.  LOL  Let me know if there is any issues!  I am looking forward to doing another 12 hour day but after some rest.

I am doing a Mom and Me Scrap this Sunday.  I would invite more people however I am full right now.  I have 20 people coming, 15 kids plus their Mommy's.  It's also fun watching the kids scrap.  Their individuality really shines at these.  I tell the Mom's just let them go, don't do it for them.  Help with the tools but the rest is theirs.

I have a lot more to talk about like how rockn' my weekend was and how much fun I had tonight with some amazing friends but I will save that for another night.  I look forward to hearing from you, and welcome all comments.

'Til next time....shitty spelling, grammar and all!

Friday 28 September 2012

Its Friday!  I am so happy its Friday.  I have had a busy week, and I am not sure why?  I have been out and about almost every night but not really doing anything constructive.  I am feeling a bit overwhelmed today at what I have to do this weekend and for the next three.  I would love to get more stuff done for Croptoberfest, like plan a menu, purchase some new chairs, and a couple more make and takes.  I would love to wash and bring my patio furniture downstairs for the winter as I haven't sat on it in a while.  I would love to cut the lawn and weed my garden.  I would love to dust the bedrooms, change the beds, clean the bathrooms, dust the main floor, vacuum and mop.  This is my list.  I know its alot but I don't have any plans in concrete right now other than soccer Sunday morning.  I also have to go shopping for an outfit.  You see one of my baby cousins is getting married Oct. 13 and I want to look and feel good.  BUT I hate shopping for me.  I love getting the kids stuff, house stuff, really anything but stuff for  me.  My brother said he will come with me and wants to go to the Rideau Centre but the thought of going there just does not excite me.  I think I will push the shopping to the following weekend.  Thanksgiving is coming up and we have another family function that I need to do stuff for but again, not so much the inspired for that either.  To be honest I want to crawl in my bed, watch BONES, which I am totally addicted to, and do nothing.  I am in a bit of a funk I think.  I have no idea why either.  My daycare kids have been rockn', my kids, well they are my kids and they are fine.  I think I need to exercise but I am to lazy to.  So, what should I do?  How can I get all geared up for the weekend, and do what I need to do, and still do nothing?  Got any wonderful ideas you want to share?  I just thought I would ask.  'Til next time, happy scrapping, cooking, cleaning, sleeping......whatever you decide to do.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Blog Alert

I am very excited as I got some help from a fellow blogger  tonight with my blog.  Julie was amazing.  Her blog is http://mommyneedsbalance.blogspot.ca/.  I really enjoy her blog.  She likes to vent, tell you about her life and I always finish the blog read with a smile.

I hope I did post her blog right as she taught me how to do that tonight.  She explained widgets and labels and backgrounds.  After spending some time chatting I also realized that I have to chill out and stop feeling guilty when I am surfing and doing "research" on how to do this stuff.  It is totally important if I am gonna actually run with this.  So, not only did I learn a crap load about this blogging shit I also realized that it is ok to use my time in a different way.  I am sure I will still need to write it in my to-do list I have with me everyday, but at least this way its there and I will do it and not feel like I am ripping my family off of their time.  Wondering how many of you crazy women have To-Do lists?  I get a sense of accomplishment with mine and it keeps me on track but then again I am a little screwed up in the head.

Back to the information Julie taught me.  I learned how to put in pics and movies so yeah that will be coming down the pipes soon as well.  I have taken a bunch of pics of my make and takes and maybe I will give a sorta teaser as to what is happening at Croptoberfest.  Just sayn'

I have also realized people want to know about my cooking cause I totally love to that as well so I am looking forward to adding that to my blog.  Julie explained how to post websites and what I need to do in order for people to click and check out the recipes I found on-line.  I will go and label this now cause I know how....LOL again something else Julie taught me.

It's also 11:15 pm and I have to be awake tomorrow for my daycare kids and my own so I will sign off and go to bed.  Thank you to everyone reading and I am hoping laughing at my craziness, cause I know I would be.

Monday 24 September 2012

So today I decided to clean out my daughter's room.  You see my youngest is well, kinda of hoarder.  She hates when I get rid of things, move thing, or even clean things without her being there.  In the past with my other kids I did this when they were at school, but with Cayla the melt downs were always EPIC.  I was prepared for her return today, biting my nails, anticipating the tears and yells.....guess what?  NOTHING!!!  She actually thanked me for cleaning her room, for all the new clothes and how much work I did.  I was WTF where is my Cayla.....that is when I realized my baby has grown up ;)  I did not know if I should cry or laugh.  I told her how proud I was of her and the smile was worth a million dollars.  Today, I cleaned, today I realized I have no "babies", today I cried.  BUT I am still a proud Mama and realized that I will always have my babies!  Just thought I would share my very happy yet sad story.  For those of you who know Miss Cayla know this was HUGE.

Sunday 23 September 2012

So, today--WOW what a day!  We started off with my daughter's year end soccer party at FUNHAVEN.  That place is huge.  It was the first time myself and 2 out of my 3 kids have been there and needless to say they loved it.  I did take 2 advil before even entering the doors and I would totally recommend doing that otherwise you are walking out with the biggest freakn' headache!

We left the crazy to go to a wonderful 5km walk for Myeloma Cancer.  This was the first year for this walk and a dear friend helped organize it.  Sadly, her wonderful Daddy has this shitty cancer so it is near and dear to her, therefore near and dear to me.  I managed to rangle up some young ladies to help out with some face painting.  That is when I realized how many wonderful 12 year old friends my daughter has.  Even my baby 16 year niece came!!!  Gotta love family and friends.  Seeing all these people out for such an amazing cause brought a sense of mushiness over me.  Next year, I will be walking and making sure a lot more friends and family come out.  If you have a couple of bucks and want to make a contribution to this cause check out the website at www.myeloma.ca.

We ended the night with some wonderful friends.  My favourite girlie girl is helping out family and is taking care of a special needs niece and I swear I bow down to her.  She already is crazy ass busy with her own 4 kids but now she has another child to care for and she is exhausted.  I would love to be able to help more.  I pulled out 12 sandwiches, veggies and salad in under 20 minutes.  That would be panini pressed sandwiches to boot.  At least she could get a bit of a break.  I would love to do more for her, but I know most of the help involves me listening.

I am off tomorrow and plan on doing some cleaning and more CROPTOBERFEST planning.  I would love to post some pics but since I suck ass at the blogging thing, I may end up posting them on my Facebook page.  Be sure to like my page its Sonia's Scrappin' room.

Anyways, I found some extra inspiration today between the walk and my girlfriend, that I have realized I have nothing to bitch about.  So, if you are tired or just blah think of all those people who actually have a right to be like that and think how lucky we are to not be them.  Once you have done that kiss your kids, and your hubby and go to bed and cuddle.....and just be thankful!

Friday 21 September 2012

I have asked for some help from a special lady to help me make this blog alot prettier than it is.  You see I originally started this on my MAC in a program called iweb.  It was so easy to use and it made everything look really good and I could use my iphoto with it.  However, this is no longer available and in order to use something similar I have to pay, and lets just say I don't think there is enough people out there reading or caring right now :)

I had a great week, and was able to work on some of my make and takes for my Croptoberfest.  I have even got more confirmed people to come to my 12 hours of crazy scrapbooking.  I hope if you are reading this and have not registered please do it is gonna rock!  All you need to do is email me or check out my website at www.mycmsite.com/soniapavone.

I had a great week with my little people as well.  I love when I get to see them thrive and learn.  We have been working hard on sharing and behaviour issues and they have thrived.  We have also been doing lots of singing and dancing this week which really only does one thing, make everyone smile!

I am going to go and figure out some of my give aways today, and as I am in a giving and happy mood you guys might score on the receiving end.

One note I also wanted to mention was I made the school council again.  This is very important to me because I find that I get so much more information and have built very unique and strong bonds with these ladies and men.  Yes, I said MEN!  In fact I am Co-Chairing with a man and have been for the second year.  He is amazing and wants nothing more than the best for his girls and the school.  I think we make a rockn' team and look forward to fundraise, and spend together!

I love to hear from you so be sure to comment and take care 'til I chat again ;)

Monday 17 September 2012

I am so embarrassed to say that I actually started this blog and website like over a year and half ago.  I kept second guessing my decision because I was really nervous.  I was scared of what people would think.  I was scared that my lack of grammar, spelling and overall attention to detail would make people laugh and not read.  BUT it took a lot of nights, chats and encouragement from some very special people to make this happen.  I also figured if you did not like the way I wrote, spelt or otherwise, you would not read it and I would not give a flying fuck.  

That brings me to my next point.  I know my language is uuummmm, direct, or as my Mommy says “vulgar”.  I have a confession I love to swear, so be forewarned I will be swearing in my blogs.  BUT there is some very important information I must share with you about my swear words first.  You must understand  that I am not by most definitions swearing, in my opinion of course.  I see it as simply talking.  Here is an example, the most important word to me is bitch.  You must understand the Sonia definition of bitch before we go further.  See, the word Bitch to me is a term of endearment.  It quite honestly  means “sweetie” or “girlfriend”.  I will call my best friends and ask  “Hey bitch whatcha doin’?” .  If however, I call you a “cow” or worse a “right cow”---that by the proper definition means you are a f-ing bitch and I am not happy with you at all!   

Now that I got some of the definition stuff out of the way here is a bit more insight into my writing.  I write without really thinking.  I don’t plan, I just type what is coming into my head.  Sometimes it will make sense sometimes it won’t but, the purpose of this is to share my ideas of the world I am in.  I am even hoping to share my make and takes and eventually make how-to-video’s.  I will probably  enlist my eldest to help me but I am willing to try but know it will be awhile before I get there.  

So, I got to thinking at 1:30 in the AM about my blog after my Crop, and after my first Redbull.  I thought well, to hell with me being all scared and shit I am gonna do it.  It just took  me a couple of days to find the time to actually do it.  See, today is my Anniversary.  I have been married 17 years.  Holy hell where did the time go???  Its funny but I actually love the guy.  I love him a whole lot and would be lost without him.  But, enough of that sappy shit.

I LOVE my Friday night Crops.  They are, shall we say, therapeutic.  Not only do you get to scrap, or make cards or click away, you get to BITCH.  The girls they actually listen.  They hear your frustration, and sometimes even up one on you.  Its a night where the girls have a drink, get away from the people they love and disappear into a world of pretty paper.  I will admit, I miss the running away part.  I loved going to the crops just to get out, but I love having it here cause I am a lazy ass and I just walk upstairs to my own bed. LOL  Crops are like going to therapy cause you have like 12 different opinions/suggestions sometimes.  For those who scrap or make cards or want to actually start this stuff, start with coming to a crop not a Creative memories show.  I may be fired for saying that, but I think if ladies seen what actually happens at these events they would hook line and sinker in the first 5 minutes.  So, to all my favourite Scrapper friends, if you are reading this, bring out your girlie girls.  I promise I don’t bite.  I look forward to the next crop which is the BEST one.  It’s a crazy ass 12 hour day of eating, scrapping and lots of bitching but WOW does it rock.  Bring out a friend, introduce them to this world, I promise they won’t regret it.

I look forward to my next bitch, I mean blog.......pass me around a little......spread your love..........I have always like that ;)