Wednesday 22 May 2013

Scale alert!

Okay so I have not written lately about my weight lose journey mostly cause I have been busy and really besides a half a pound here and there I have only lost another 2 pounds.  At first I did not think it was something to talk about but....I figured someone out there my understand my journey!  My journey is slow, very slow.  I have noticed such huge differences in my clothes its weird.  I know that my workouts are what is doing it for sure. BUT, every time I get on the damn scale its nothing or half a pound.  I will admit I weigh myself everyday, but only take the number on Friday.  It sucks!

I still have enjoyed the occasional small bowl of chips and sadly some pieces  of  birthday cake in the last couple of weeks.  That is what I get for having all three kid's birthday's in April, May and June.   But, its still going down.  To say I am not pleased would be an understatement.  I am so close to my wonderland goal that its frustrating.  I know I can kick up the work outs, but with the long weekend and hauling lots of dirt and gardening I figured it counted.  The nights are filled with soccer, and I am trying to figure out a schedule as my old one does not always work.

I just want to tell you, I am not giving up, I have still lost weight, and I am still living a very happy and healthy life.  I know I have preached about the Wii's my fitness coach, but people it works!  I find myself yelling at the TV.  I get shit when I log in and have not worked out everyday, and I find myself telling her off.  LOL  I know she is doing her job and she is not real, but sadly I feel like I am letting her down.  I have officially called her idea why, she just looks like one to me and maybe cause she is yelling (not at all) at me.   If you are still couch bound, sad bound, or chip bound, try it out.  The Just Dance is really fun too.

I know I set this blog up for scrapbooking, and I promise to get some stuff up here, and some ideas.  I will do my best, which is really all we can do.

Stay strong, believe in yourself and try My fitness coach and my fitness pal.