Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Birthday Wish

This weekend I was thrilled to be running a children's scrapbook birthday party.  I have done 4 birthday parties (not including my own children), and they are amazing.  The girls work so hard and are so focused that the parties are quiet.  I love hearing about their stories, what they are scrapping about and just actually talking to the girls.  There was 9 girls at this party and I had my older daughter there to help.  She does a pretty good job, she talks most of the time, but she is usually pretty good with little ones.  Just as the party was wrapping up I discovered this little girl had told her parents that she wanted to give up receiving any gifts from her friends and ask for gently used shoes instead.  She wanted to donate them to Soles 4 Souls.  Check out their website http://www.soles4soulscanada.com/  My heart melted right there on the spot!  I was so proud of this little person to do something so unselfish at 10!  She asked for the shoes and she got an overwhelming amount of support from her friends and their families.  One of her friends even went door to door to collect even more.  Sadly, I did not know about this heart warming request, so I came home and went through my shoes and found some.  I posted on Facebook a request and a couple of people said they would bring some shoes to me.  Now, I am asking one more time, to you my faithful readers.  I ask you to spread the love, spread the blog, spread the story.  Even one extra pair is still one less person that goes without.  Any size, gently used shoe will do.  Feel free to contact me to arrange a drop off of these shoes.  Funny how a 10 year old can make you go home completely satisfied with the world!  Here is a picture of the wonderful little girl surrounded by her shoe collection.

Friday 25 January 2013

The old New Year's Resolution -- be Healthy

Ok, so like everyone else in the world, this is the year!  This is the year, I lose weight, eat healthy, and work out everyday!  I swear to God, this will be the damn year!  I am 41 and hate the fact that I have wasted every new year with the same damn resolution.  I hate the fact that I have wasted so much of my life on my body.  I hate the fact that I use to hide, be totally self conscious and get really sad about the size of my ass.  Now, I honestly just don't give a shit!  I want to be healthy.  That is all.  I don't give a rats ass about the scale, or numbers over all.  That being said I am weighing myself once a week.  Why?  You may ask would I do that??? I am not a total hypocrite.  I am weighing myself to help monitor my health, at least that is what I keep yelling at the damn thing!

I am using this FREE and most fantastic app called www.myfitnesspal.com, to help me track my calories.  I love it!  There is anything you can think of on and in it.  They even have Broadway Bar and Grill breakfast listed!  I find it easy to input my food, and to be honest it is making me really think before I stuff anything into my hole.  I started on Jan 2, 2013 and I have lost 7 pds.  Not bad, of course I think it should be 20 lbs but really what the hell do I know!  I am exercising which is what is really important.  I am by no means running a marathon, but I am addicted to the X-Box "Just dance 4" and the Wii "Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010".  I run on my treadmill as well.  I am trying to get my children involved more and participate in the "workouts" with me.  I have noticed my older and very cool 12 year gets right pissy when her Mama kicks her ass at "Just Dance 4"!  Hey whatever it takes to get them off their ass.

Anyways, I have always loved cooking and to be honest every time I cook I input the recipe and the calories and fat etc is always pretty good.  I know for me its the portion, snacking and lack of movement which has always been my issue.  I want to work on my issues and improve my lack of the above.  I tweak my recipes and watch how much I am putting on my plate.  For me the big thing is learning to have yummy food, and have a treat, and not completely binge eat.  For me a bag of chips, like the big one, is a single serving.  NOW, I have had chips in my house, upstairs, untouched for 2 weeks.  For me, THAT IS HUGE!

I still hate the damn scale, and the fact that I still think I am a fat sack of fat.  BUT, at least I am moving, and trying and at the end of the day, that is all that matters.  I have a beautiful husband you loves me, for me.  I will let you know how it goes as I go forward.  Don't assume that cause I have not said anything my ass has gone back to the sofa, just understand I may not want to talk about my old yet new New Year's Resolution.

FYI:  For dessert -- yeah its Friday and I want chocolate and yeah I am PMS'ing I made the most delicious and somewhat low calorie dessert.

S'Mores pudding

1 pack of fat free chocolate pudding
2 cups of 1% mile (or whatever milk you drink)
1 prepared graham cracker crust
1 cup of mini marshmallows.

Prepare the pudding, pour into crust, put in fridge to set.
Just before serving put in the oven, turn on the broil and put it in for 1-2 minutes, or until its toasty.

Serve immediately.  This will serve 10-12 people and be approximately 150 calories.
The best part of the dessert, is it reminds me of warm weather and camping!

Saturday 19 January 2013

It's Been awhile, welcome 2013!

Happy New Year.  I know I am like 19 days late and I have not blogged for like ever, but I have been busy making cards over the last couple of weeks.  I have decided that I would be organized and make a couple of cards in advance, so that I had them here, and ready for the birthdays over the year.  We have a busy January for birthday's in our family so I have completed them and made extras.  The plan is to do make some cards at the beginning of very month.  I bought a new cartridge as well and its adorable!  We camp so I thought I would be using it for that for scrapbooking but......I made cards with it first!  It is called "Campin' Critters".  You can check it out www.cricut.com.  They have a couple of great ideas on their "idea" section as well.  I also love using the "Create a Critter" as well and you will notice lots of cards using this cartridge.

Anyways, check out the cards.  Most of the paper is CM but some is not.  I love the Creative Memories glue pen. http://ca.mycmsite.com/sites/soniapavone/Content/Shop/Product.aspx?pr=InspectOffering&s=630185&dpr=BrowseCategory&ds=/Hierarchy/Paper%20Scrapbooking/Tools/Photo%20Mounting  It works for all the little tiny jobs better than anything else I have found!!!  Be sure to let me know if you want to purchase it, or you can order online through my website.

Let me know what you think and be sure to add some of your cards to share your talent and wonderful ideas!

I promise to be on this more regularly and add more photos than last year.  I still worry about mistakes and grammar probably more than I should but hell its about the scrap/card/shit I have to say ;)
