Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Birthday Wish

This weekend I was thrilled to be running a children's scrapbook birthday party.  I have done 4 birthday parties (not including my own children), and they are amazing.  The girls work so hard and are so focused that the parties are quiet.  I love hearing about their stories, what they are scrapping about and just actually talking to the girls.  There was 9 girls at this party and I had my older daughter there to help.  She does a pretty good job, she talks most of the time, but she is usually pretty good with little ones.  Just as the party was wrapping up I discovered this little girl had told her parents that she wanted to give up receiving any gifts from her friends and ask for gently used shoes instead.  She wanted to donate them to Soles 4 Souls.  Check out their website http://www.soles4soulscanada.com/  My heart melted right there on the spot!  I was so proud of this little person to do something so unselfish at 10!  She asked for the shoes and she got an overwhelming amount of support from her friends and their families.  One of her friends even went door to door to collect even more.  Sadly, I did not know about this heart warming request, so I came home and went through my shoes and found some.  I posted on Facebook a request and a couple of people said they would bring some shoes to me.  Now, I am asking one more time, to you my faithful readers.  I ask you to spread the love, spread the blog, spread the story.  Even one extra pair is still one less person that goes without.  Any size, gently used shoe will do.  Feel free to contact me to arrange a drop off of these shoes.  Funny how a 10 year old can make you go home completely satisfied with the world!  Here is a picture of the wonderful little girl surrounded by her shoe collection.

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