Sunday 28 July 2013

July is almost over

Well its been awhile since I have posted and thought I would send a quick update.  A couple of great things have happened.  I have lost more weight and I have maintained some.  I have lost an additional 3 pounds since my major goal.  I have been on holidays for the last week and a half and I did not lose but I did not gain!  That is a miracle considering I have been drinking and eating some pretty wonderful food!  I still think about what I am going to eat when we are out and try to stick to the better choice.  I think it has been what has worked for me!  I am going to start inputting all my food again as I took a holiday from it, but I need to see what I have been eating to help me make better choices.
I have also started a new exercise.  A dear friend talked one day about wanting to do a run, and me and my big mouth said "Why wait, let's do it now."  So, in getting ready for my first "real" 5km I have started Couch to 5km.  I did do a 5km with my kids a couple of years ago, and that was with a stroller and lots of "come on Mom you can do it!"  This time my plan is to RUN the entire 5km.  It just seems sad when I say it as 5km is not a lot.  I walk that almost 3 times a week, but running it without leaving my lungs on the side of the road is a hell of a lot different.  I am on week 2 and I am finding it easier then I expected.  I think all the other exercises I have been doing helps.  That being said I did take the week and a bit off of working out, and I know I will pay for it on my first couple of exercise times but oh well.  It needs to be done to get to my next goal.
Speaking of next goal, I am putting it out there.  I want to lose another 15 pounds for my cousins wedding in September.  Ok, so I just said it out loud.  I know it won't be easy as everything for me is slow.  But, slow is better than to fast.  My prize will be shopping for my dress.  I bought my first non plus size dress (size 14 people now that is fucking huge for me).  I loved it for the size it said, but I loved it cause it looks good too.  I am the first person to realize that the size of a dress doesn't matter as there can be so many different styles etc that a size can change from 1 to 2 dress sizes.  BUT it was a non plus size and to me that is all that mattered.  I am expecting to have a beautiful dress for September with some beautiful bling from my favourite place-- Stella and Dot!
I will let you know how my journey goes.  But, always know you can do it, sometimes we stop, sometimes we cheat, but overall you can do it!  I was walking around my neighbourhood the other day when one of my neighbours stopped me and told me how wonderful I look and asked me all kinds of questions, like how, what have you been doing and I found my self standing taller and puffing out my chest a bit more acting all  proud and shit!  So, thanks Nancy, those words made me freakin' day, and gave me the motivation I needed to get back to it!
'Till next time stay strong, have fun, and get a friend to do it with they are the best support in the entire world!