Thursday 1 November 2012

Tea Reading

Tomorrow night I have having a couple of ladies over for a tea reading.  My sweet, crazy and loving Auntie Laura is coming over with her magic tea leaves, all the way from Ireland to read everyone's leaves.  Now for those who have not done anything like this, you have too.  Its fun, interesting, and an excuse to sit and chat with some friends.

My Aunt Laura came to Canada with 4 children and my Uncle many moons ago, but sounds like she just got off the boat.  My Mom often says that people choose to lose their accents or keep them.  Now my Aunt is proud to be Canadian but is just as proud of her Irish heritage.  I have probably learned more about Ireland, and my family from her, than my own Mom.  She started reading tea leaves a long time ago and does it just for fun.  BUT, she does ROCK.  Every time she has read my leaves, everything has been bang on!  I am so excited to hear about what she has to say.  She will always say "Now ladies this is just for fun, don't take anything seriously".  I agree, but still its cool.  So, if you haven't done anything like this, I suggest going to a palm reader, or have your cards read, or see a medium because its better than going to a movie or out for dinner with the girls hands down.  I will let you know how it goes and what is said.

On a different note, I worked a bit on my Mom and Me scrap that is on Sunday.  I made mini paper albums using a 12x12 cardstock.  They are so cute.  I am going to try and "upload" some pics this weekend.  I may need some help from my Techy but I am sure she won't mind.

'Til tomorrow........fingers crossed its all good leaves!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for tonight...and you are right. Everyone needs to do this at least once! Can't wait to see the mini books...and if I'm your techy friend you know I'm there to help whenever you need me!
