Wednesday 28 November 2012


I am well, feeling blah.  I am not sure of anyone out there feels like this every once in awhile.  I am not inspired, I am tired, overwhelmed, under appreciated, annoyed and flat out pissy.  To be honest I am totally not sure why.  I am just blah.

I am trying to boost my energy and get rid of the negative shit but I have not succeeded yet.  I am trying to organize my next crop which is Dec. 14.  I am excited because I have my make and take idea ready and I think its cute.  I have already 9 confirmed guests.  You would think woohoo right?  Nope.  Just a wo.....still waiting for the rest of the woohoo.

I have done some Christmas shopping.  I have done lots of on-line shopping but still have made it out to the stores.  I am even excited with what I bought but again, I am feeling the wo......still waiting for the rest.

I have completed almost all of my calendar gifts and even made my husband a book for Christmas and I am probably a bit more woo....but again still waiting for my woohoo.

Not sure why, maybe its PMS????  Maybe I am getting old and shit and my hormones are all "WTF"???  Or is it something bigger?  Is it, a change, something unsettling going to happen, need a holiday for a brain refresh????

I feel guilty alot lately too.  Guilty for ever decision I make, and it is making me crazy too.  Again, no idea why?

Anyways, I thought I would share my blah day(s).  I know someone who is reading this will say "yeah I get like that", perhaps some will say "grow up bitch and move on" or even "cheer up girl".  Whatever you think, let me know.  Sometimes, it is helpful to think you are not the only one, and even get a good kick in the ass.


  1. Love this Sonia, you go girl!! And yes I totally feel ya! Been feeling bla myself for a couple months now, will share why in private. Winter blues haven't even set in yet!! Lord help me!
    Calgon take me, Cuba take me away!!


  2. Sonia if you can figure why we all get to this place every once in awhile you counsel all of us you'd make your millions! I hear ya...especially about the overwhelmed and mistreated part. I wish had some enlightening words of wisdom, but I got nothin. Nothin except an ear to commiserate to when you need it and a good glass of white when my ear is not enough.
    As for the guilt, I think it comes with being a mom - and being someone who cares alot about others. We'll chat soon!

  3. Great, honest post Sonia. You are definitely not alone. We, as women, feel this way a lot of the time because of outside influences and the demands made on us. Sometimes just a break and a refresh will do the trick, and some time to reflect and really look into yourself to see what is holding you back from happiness!! If you ever need an objective ear, call me!
